Check JAMB Matriculation List

Check JAMB Matriculation List 2025/2026


This list contains the names of students who have been officially admitted into tertiary institutions in Nigeria and have been confirmed by JAMB. 

Being on the JAMB Matriculation List is crucial for students because it validates their admission and ensures they are recognized as bona fide students of their respective institutions.

Importance of JAMB Matriculation List 2025

1. Validation of Admission:

The JAMB Matriculation List serves as proof that a student’s admission has been processed and approved by JAMB. This confirmation is essential for the legitimacy of a student’s admission status.

2. Eligibility for NYSC:

Graduates who are not on the JAMB Matriculation List may face challenges when it comes to being mobilized for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). The NYSC program is a mandatory one-year service for Nigerian graduates, and being on the matriculation list is a prerequisite for participation.

3. Institutional Recognition:

Universities, polytechnics, and colleges use the JAMB Matriculation List to verify that the students enrolled in their programs are officially recognized by JAMB. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the institution’s admission process.


JAMB 2025 Matriculation List Eligibility

To find your name on the JAMB matriculation list, you must have:

How to Check JAMB 2025 Matriculation List

Do you wish to know your Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) matriculation status? Follow the step by step guide below to check if your name has been uploaded or not.

Once the “fetch my details” pops up, go ahead and download and print your JAMB admission letter and result slip.

Alternatively, you can visit your school’s admissions office and inquire about the availability of the JAMB matriculation list.


Wha to do if You Did Not Find Your Name

Have you checked and your name does not appear on this list or you did not get admission through JAMB? Don’t panic, we have got you covered.

Candidates who got admission through JAMB but can’t find their name should visit the JAMB E-facility Portal, print out your JAMB admission letter and result slip and wait for some hours for your name to be added. 

Do not forget to submit a copy of your JAMB admission letter and result slip to your school if you did not submit it during screening.

Candidates who did not get admission through JAMB are requested to enrol for JAMB Regularization in order to make it to the matriculation list.


Kindly print out your admission letter and result slip to get your name on the list.

This is because you have not printed your admission letter and result slip from the JAMB E-facility portal or you did not gain admission through JAMB.

It depends. Students who were not offered admission by JAMB will not find their name on the list. Rather, they are expected to enrol for JAMB regularization as soon as possible.

Kindly visit to access the JAMB matriculation list.

Students whose names do not appear on the list will be turned down by the National Youth Service Corps.

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