How to Print Your JAMB Supplementary Examination Slip

How to Print Your JAMB 2024 Supplementary Examination Slip


Candidates can now reprint their supplementary exam slip online. JAMB supplementary exam will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2024 according to a statement by its spokesperson, Fabian Benjamin on June 2, 2024.

This information is for 24,535 candidates who encountered technical difficulties during the 2024 UTME.

Printing your JAMB supplementary examination slip is important to ensure you have all the necessary details for your examination.

This slip contains vital information such as your examination date, time, and venue, and serves as a form of identification during the exam.

Step-by-Step Guide to Printing Your JAMB Supplementary Examination Slip

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you print your JAMB supplementary examination slip for 2024.


Step 1: Access the JAMB Examination Slip Printing Portal

The first step is to visit the JAMB examination slip printing portal. This portal is specifically designed for candidates to print their examination slips. Here’s how to access it:

Step 2: Enter Your Registration Details

Once you are on the slip printing portal, you will need to enter your details to retrieve your slip. You can use any of the following:

  • Your JAMB Registration Number
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Phone Number

Ensure that the details you enter are correct to avoid any errors in retrieving your slip.

Step 3: Print Your Examination Slip

After entering your details, click on the “Print Supplementary Examination Slip” button. Your examination details will be displayed on the screen, including:

  • Your Name
  • Examination Date
  • Examination Time
  • Examination Venue
  • Your Photograph

Save a digital copy of your slip on your device for easy access and future reference.

Connect your computer to a printer and print your examination slip. It is advisable to print the slip in color as it includes your photograph, which is essential for identification during the examination.

However, you can visit any cyber cafe or JAMB accredited centre nearest to you to print out your exam slip.

Alternative Method: Using the JAMB e-Facility Portal

If you encounter any issues with the primary slip printing portal, you can also print your slip using the JAMB e-facility portal. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the JAMB e-Facility Portal.
  2. Log in with your email address and password linked to your JAMB profile.
  3. Navigate to the “Print Main UTME Exam Slip” section.
  4. Enter your registration details as prompted and print your slip.

Why You Need to Print Out Your JAMB Supplementary Examination Slip

The JAMB examination slip is an essential document for several reasons:

  1. It serves as your entry ticket to the examination hall.
  2. It verifies your identity and ensures you are seated at the correct examination center.
  3. The slip is also used during the admission process in Nigerian tertiary institutions.
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